Quick Notes

Things that came on the way

Dynamically Requesting a Common Service in a Chef Managed Environment

In a cluster environment there can be a common service running on all the nodes in the cluster which may be requested by an application using the cluster. For e.g. in a distributed computing environment logs can be created on each node in the cluster and a common service on each cluster node can be a service which regularly copies log entries into a common location. Copying of logs can be a requirement for some of the applications/services running on the cluster nodes so that users can go to one location to view the log data from all the nodes instead of looking at each node. This can also help with managing the security of the cluster by providing access to this common location instead of providing access to all the nodes in the cluster.

But copying of the logs may not be a requirement for some other service or application and the requirement may change in the future. It is better to build a solution so that the changes in the requirements to copy logs can be accommodated dynamically.

To explain the pattern on how we can accomplish the requirement, we will assume Apache Flume as the component which will be installed on all the nodes in the cluster and will be used to copy the log file entries to a common location in HDFS. The following is one solution to satisfy the requirement.

Create a new cookbook or reuse an existing cookbook which will be used on all the nodes in the cluster. Create a node attribute which will store a hash of hashes. For e.g.

default['bcpc']['hadoop']['copylog'] = {}

The following is the datastructure which will be used to populate the hash values to be stored in the attributes

  'app_id' =>  { 'logfile' => "/path/file_name_of_log_file",
                 'docopy' => true (or false)

where the app_id is an unique id of an application which requests the service to copy its logs, logfile is the path of the logfile and docopy is a flag to enable and disable the request to copy the log files based on change in need. If an application requests more than one logfile to be copied the appli_id need to be made unique with in the application by adding additonal details like log name or a sequence number.

When an application need to make a request to copy its log file, in the application’s recipe, request can be added to the node attribute. For e.g. if logs from the nodes running hbase-region-server need to copy its logs to the common location, code similar to the following can be included in the recipe installing and starting the hbase-region-server service.

node.default['bcpc']['hadoop']['copylog']['hbase_regionserver_log'] = {
    'logfile' => "/var/log/hbase/hbase-regionserver-#{node.hostname}.log",
    'docopy' => true

node.default['bcpc']['hadoop']['copylog']['hbase_regionserver_out'] = {
    'logfile' => "/var/log/hbase/hbase-regionserver-#{node.hostname}.out",
    'docopy' => true

Note here how an unique identifier is used as the app_id for the two log files from hbase_regionserver to be copied to the common location in HDFS.

For someone not familiar with Flume, flume agents can be used to move data and they need a config file which defines things like the source, sink, the type of sink,the target location etc. Since Flume need to be installed in all nodes in the cluster to be a common service, a recipe need to be created to install the software. But when it comes to start Flume agents, the recipe need to loop through the node attribute to create required Flume configuration files for each logfile copy requests made by the applications running on the node.

For e.g if the node is running only hbase_regionserver there will be two copy requests in the attribute for which the recipe need to create Flume configuration files and start the corresponding Flume agents. If there are other applications/services running on the node for e.g. HDFS Datanode and if the recipes make copy requests then the number of flume configs and flume agents running on the node will be more. The following is the code snippet on how the Flume recipe can accomplish this

node['bcpc']['hadoop']['copylog'].each do |id,f|
   if f['docopy'] 
     template "/etc/flume/conf/flume-#{id}.conf" do
       source "flume_flume-conf.erb”
       action :create ...
       variables(:agent_name => "#{id}",
                 :log_location => "#{f['logfile']}" )
       notifies :restart,"service[flume-agent-multi-#{id}]",:delayed
     service "flume-agent-multi-#{id}" do
       supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => false
       service_name "flume-agent-multi"
       action :start
       start_command "service flume-agent-multi start #{id}"
       restart_command "service flume-agent-multi restart #{id}"
       status_command "service flume-agent-multi status #{id}"

A complete Flume recipe which includes this feature is available here.

By default the init.d script for Flume starts one Flume agent. But BIGTOP jira BIGTOP-1581 provides an option to start/stop/restart flume agents by passing agent names as in the service resource in the previous code snippet. The name passed need to have a corresponding Flume config file under the configuration folder. Since Flume recipe need to know the copy request from all the applications running on the node, it should be the last recipe to be run on the node. This can be accomplished by creating a role to include the Flume recipe and add it to the end of chef-client runlist of all the nodes.

Hope this provides a solution option in a similar situation where applications can dynamically request for a common service in an environment. Also note that the data structure can be expanded so that applications can make richer requests for e.g. in this case request to change the location of the common location where logs are copied into etc.

More notes on this category can be found here.
