Quick Notes

Things that came on the way

Project Selection and Risks

Having set the stage for the importance of risk management as the key to project success, lets look at the different phases of a project and the risks involved in each. Projects as a temporary endeavor are undertaken to fulfill a vision or an idea. Selection of a project to execute is commonly viewed as the start of a project and so is the start of risk mitigation. Some of the areas of risks during this phase are

Mitigating Risk to Deliver a Successful Project

Mitigating risk to an acceptable level during the course of a project will lead to a successful project. What it means is to be aware of the potential risks and be prepared for remedial actions if the risks occur. Time and time again there are few simple common characteristics shown by successful project leaders.

Services Through Cloud

Even though there are various types of Cloud service vendors available in the market, they all can be mapped back to the following three basic Cloud service models.

What on Which Cloud?

Wondering which IT systems or work load can be moved to Public Cloud to take advantage of its high cost benefit and at the sametime mitigate some of the concerns. The following is an broad categorization of systems/work loads which can be targeted for the different Cloud deployment models.

Variations of Cloud

Even though the are many concerns in using Public Cloud, large enterprises are adopting Cloud delivery model aggressively. If Gartner’s predictions are correct, Cloud services will be a $148 billion market by 2014. By then industry would have some standards which will alleviate concerns like vendor lock-in and also solutions for security related concerns. But to understand what enterprises are doing in order to overcome the current concerns about Public Cloud we need to look at the Cloud deployment models